Angela Ashley, founder and CEO of Unique Investment Advisors.




9633 S 48th St #130, Phoenix AZ 85044

Split Dollar Life Insurance

Split Dollar Life Insurance Plans: A Basic Guide to Wealth Accumulation

When it comes to financial planning, life insurance often plays a crucial role in providing financial security and protecting loved ones. One such life insurance strategy that has gained popularity among business owners is the split dollar life insurance plan. In the following, we will explore the intricacies of split dollar life insurance plans, how they work, and the benefits they offer in terms of wealth accumulation and legacy planning.

Understanding Split Dollar Life Insurance Plans

A split dollar life insurance plan is a mutually beneficial arrangement between an employer and an employee or business owner, where the cost and benefits of a life insurance policy are divided between the two parties. In this arrangement, the employer usually provides a loan to the employee to pay the premiums on the policy. The employee or business owner is the insured and designates the beneficiary, typically a family member.

Benefits of Split Dollar Life Insurance Plans

Wealth Accumulation: Split dollar programs allow for potential upside increase of cash value within the life insurance contract. The accumulated value grows tax-deferred and can be accessed during the lifetime of the insured, either through the insurance policy loans or via withdrawals. This can serve as an attractive way to supplement income in retirement or funding for other financial needs.

Attractive Employee Benefits: Split dollar plans can be used as an incentive to attract and retain key employees. By providing them with enhanced life insurance coverage, employers can demonstrate their commitment to employee well-being and offer a valuable benefit beyond traditional compensation packages.

Tax Advantages: Split dollar plans can provide favorable tax treatment. Additionally, the growth of the policy’s cash value is tax-deferred, allowing for potential tax savings over the long term.

Split dollar life insurance plans offer a unique approach to wealth accumulation and legacy planning. By leveraging the combined resources of employers and employees, these plans provide tax-efficient methods for building cash value, transferring wealth, and attracting top talent. However, it is crucial to consult with insurance and tax professionals to ensure the plan aligns with individual circumstances and goals.

While split dollar plans can be advantageous, they may also have complexities and potential tax implications. As with any financial strategy, careful consideration and expert advice are essential. By harnessing the power of split dollar life insurance plans, individuals and businesses can create a solid foundation for financial security, and long-term prosperity.

